Recent Posts
September 30, 2019
Webinar #1 Recap: The big picture: How the Red Hat Open Source stack fits together
In our first webinar we covered Red Hat’s open source philosophy Hat and how communities create outstanding software. We then zoomed in on the middleware tools that Red Hat offers, how these fit together and how they can be leveraged in the hackathon.
September 26, 2019
Advanced Technology and Customer Experience: A Winning Combination
Sure you want to have fun, learn something, and work with cool people during the hackathon. But what is even better than that? Winning of course!
September 24, 2019
Office Hours
Feeling intimidated by the range of tools and technology available? Want to ask about specific product features? Are you having an issue with one or more tools?
September 20, 2019
Upcoming Webinar: The Red Hat Open Source Stack
Good to see so many of you registered for our hackathon and starting to look around at the resources. You probably still have a lot of questions about AppDev our Red Hat Managed Platform so here are a few things to help you figure it out:
September 19, 2019
What’s the Red Hat Managed Platform for AppDev and what benefits does it deliver?
For our hackathon we provide a Red Hat Managed Platform for application development (AppDev) on which all our middleware tools are deployed. Red Hat is the open source company. All of our technologies, tools and platforms are fully open source.